You are going to find out right now how to get rid of cellulite naturally. Having a beautiful shapely body with out the lumps is what any women wants. What confidence you will have knowing that the cottage cheese is gone for ever. Here's to looking absolutely gorgeous.
Are you ready to win the war over this monster called cellulite? I am quite sure you are. Ok, this is what you will need to do.You will need to develop healthier eating habits and you will have to work out regularly.
The first thing in the morning when you wake up is to drink a glass of water with lemon juice that is freshly squeeze. Drink this everyday because this is going to help to keep your body cleanse from the inside. This is a great place to start.
The only white foods you should be eating is cauliflower, chicken, and fish. Do not eat white bread, pasta, white potatoes, sugar, cheese, or process milk. Not good for you at all. Your cellulite will never go away if you continue to eat this.
No sodas or any other types of drinks that are high in sugar and calories. Drink plenty of water. It does the body good. Drink low cal drinks that does not have the added sugar. Learn to love Crystal Lite.
Dry brush your body before you get into the shower. Dry brushing your body will increase the circulation within your skin. This will also help to eliminate /shred the dead skin so you can improve the texture of your skin and renew your skin cells.
Massage the legs, thighs, buttocks and your stomach daily in order to help improve circulation. This will help to quickly break down the fat. This is an enhancer. Massage is wonderful in helping to get rid of cellulite naturally. Make sure you take advantage of these super tips if you want to be cellulite free:) Will be blogging with you again soon:)
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