The #1 Secret to a sexy lower body at any age


Eliminate Cellulite

Want a way to eliminate cellulite quickly? You can first and for all stop hiding your disgusting cellulite like a fugitive. I definitely use to be a hider. But not anymore. And you to do not have to live with this stuff as well. Yuk. Yes, I am in agreement with you on that.

Get ready to a smooth body workout with cardio. Commit at least 3 days per week. It will help burn the calories while at the same time getting rid of that  fat. You will also improve your blood circulation which will eliminate cellulite.

Eat foods that are high in fiber. Many people who suffer with constipation can have a bigger problem with cellulite. Your bowel system is back up  and you find it hard to eliminate toxins from your body. You have to keep the fat flushed from your body and being constipated does not help. Women should have 25 grams of fiber per day and men should have at least 38 grams of fiber per day. To break this down more further would be: For 1,000 calories per day, 14 grams of fiber should be included. So if you are doing 2,000 calories per day
that would be a total amount of 28 grams of fiber per day. Check over the net to see what high fiber foods can you eat. You will find many choices of selected food/veggies/fruits or salads you can eat.

Eat more healthy without the added stress. Yes, stress can have some of us eating more especially unhealthy foods. I have been here before. When I was irritable and upset, I would eat more and eat everything in sight. Listen, you have to learn to eat more healthy. I do that now along with some mediation to help me stay relaxed. You have to try meditation if you have not done this before. This is the most relaxing all natural stress releaser ever. 

Remember to learn to eat healthier with less fat. For starters, check out the Mediterranean Diet. This is one of the best diets ever. This is all about eating right and not depriving yourself of food that some of those diets out there do. Check it out and then you can take it from there. You can definitely eliminate cellulite. You are on your way. I will be blogging with you again soon my friend:)

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