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What Causes Cellulite - Why Me? - Help Me Get Rid of This Stuff!

There are many factors as to what causes cellulite. At this day and age and with obesity still on the rise, a young girl at the age of 12 years old can start to develop cellulite. This has changed  because cellulite at one time use to affect more women at the age of  35 years old and up.

Did you know that cellulite can actually affect all women, whether they are overweight or slim. If it is generic, then cellulite can indeed affect a thin woman because it is in the genes. The effects of having these fat deposits will lay in the upper calves, the buttocks, the stomach, and the thighs.

Developing cellulite can start from a protein called collagen that we have in our bodies. Your circulation has decreased and not enough blood flow to your collagen gene. This degrades the collagen because this gene is not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients. There is also the problem with as women age, her estrogen level decreases because some of the blood vessels lose function due to poor circulation. So a lost of blood circulation along with weak collagen and a decrease in estrogen is one of the factors.

Another, you have fat deposits that are pushing your connective tissues beneath the skin and this is what is causing the cottage cheese effect of  the skin. More women than men will have cellulite because the fat is deposited differently in a women than in a man.

More Causes of Developing Cellulite Are:

*Wearing tight underwear and tight clothing can cut off blood circulation which helps to increase the risk of cellulite and a decrease in collagen.

*Genetics - If your mother has ever had cellulite, then more than likely you will have it as well. This was true for me. My mom has cellulite and I had it too. But not anymore. You too do not have to live with cellulite.

*Lack of exercise and excess eating of saturated fats can lead to cellulite.

*Eating junk food, oily, and sugary foods that have extra calories will slow down your metabolism and this will  increase your chances of you developing cellulite.

There is hope. You can reverse and get rid of cellulite altogether.

Eating the right proportion of the right amount of fiber, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and good fats will start the transition in getting rid  of the fat deposits. Make sure your food is also rich in omega fatty acids.  Another, start adding plenty of fresh fruits and lots of vegetables to your diet.

Finally, make sure you get into a workout program. Lift weights, do some cardio and strength training. If you exercise along with a healthy diet, you are on  your way of getting rid of cellulite. Moreover, if you can find a great massager either a machine or a human, this will stimulate your blood flow and this will help to even out those fat lumpy deposits underneath your skin.

You can stopped in what causes your cellulite today.You don't have to live with this. You can get rid of it. Follow what I have suggested here in this post. Wishing you all the best and I will be blogging with you again soon.

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